Does your medical care center or practice network already have facilities to perform X-ray examinations? But is the existing equipment already quite outdated? Simply update your existing X-ray system with the DR upgrade solutions from EXAMION. In this way, you can extend the service life of your X-ray equipment and at the same time benefit from advanced digital X-ray technology.
For you, this means an improvement of the quality of every single X-ray image. By this, the foundation on which your diagnosis is based will be improved, ensuring more effectivity and reliability for your patients.
Digital X-ray acquisition with EXAMION detectors together with customised X-AQS X-ray software will also save you time. The X-ray software, configured according to your needs, can be fully integrated into the IT system of the medical care centre. You benefit from seamless integration with your practice management system, even if different operators are working at different locations. This makes routine tasks easier for operators and saves time when searching for patient data and the associated X-ray images.
DR upgrade solutions also offer low maintenance costs, so that in many cases the modernisation of your existing X-ray system could pay for itself very quickly. Please contact us for more information about services available for your group practice network (link to Service).
- Fast and simple retrofitting for existing X-ray systems
- Take advantage of the benefits of digital X-ray systems in your medical care centre
- Uniform software across the practice network
- Reduced maintenance costs
Digital detector systems for retrofitting X-ray systems
X-DR L und XL WiFi
- Superior value for money
- Standardised X-ray equipment
X-DR L und XL WiFi Premium
- Outstanding quality of X-ray images
- State of the art technology