Fahrbare Röntgensysteme von EXAMION

Mobile X-ray devices for hospitals

For easier X-ray imaging at the point of care

Our mobile X-ray devices are combinations of a mobile X-ray system and a matching detector. This is the optimal solution to treat patients as quickly as possible and to be able to efficiently guarantee frequent changes of location, e.g., especially for intensive care units in hospitals.

The X-DRS mobile systems have a common control console with a uniform operating concept. They achieve an output of 32 kW per battery or plug-in and are therefore almost as powerful as a stationary X-ray system. This ensures that the image quality to be achieved for the X-ray images also meets the high demands of hospitals.

The central requirement of our X-DRS X-ray systems is to provide users with the best possible support, especially in emergency situations. Therefore, a great deal of emphasis during development was put on ease of movement, stability and excellent user-friendliness.

Mobile X-ray devices for X-ray imaging of intensive care and trauma patients

X-DRS Mobile 320

  • Manually steerable
  • Sturdy and easy to use
  • Easy positioning at the point of care

X-DRS Mobile 320 Pro

  • Integrated motor
  • Battery-powered
  • For high-quality X-ray images both of extremities and torso

Carestream DRX Revolution

  • Digital X-ray imaging for patients at the bedside, in the operating theatre, in the intensive care unit or in the emergency room
  • Lighter, balanced tube head and collimator
  • High safety features

Advantages of a mobile X-ray device in the hospital

MetaGrid image processing

For thorax images with the mobile X-ray device scatter radiation is removed by the software

Fast imaging at the point of care

Ability to act quickly: Eliminates transport of intensive care and trauma patients and transfer to the table of a stationary X-ray system

User-friendly operation

Reduced to the essentials for easy use in emergency situations

Do you have any questions?

Your sales and support representative will be happy to provide more information about our X-DRS Mobile X-ray systems.

+49 711 120 002 - 0


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